Most of you know me for my social media and design work. And some of you know me from my series of business building and professional development stratagem’s. Maybe you're brand new here but no matter how we've met I am so glad you decided to stop by.

I'm CaraJoy

Online Business Builder + Entrepreneurship Educator for women BOSSES who dare & desire to Be Better in life and business. I help women rid of the overwhelm, eliminate the confusion, and overcome the loneliness that many novice and seasoned entrepreneurs experience. I teach you how to use The Be Better 7© to invent lasting structure, and how to be confident in your ability to [consistently and repeatedly] sell your services to better the lives of your clients and future clients.

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  • I have an amazing group of supportive women.
    We’re each other’s cheerleaders

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      In 2015 I started a digital marketing [but mostly social media] side-gig out of necessity. 

      In three years, I built one paying client and one pro-bono client into an award-winning social media agency servicing women business owners and entrepreneurs.

      Despite having my MBA, owning a business never crossed my mind; I was meant for teaching and training. Unfortunately [back then] I didn’t have enough ‘real-world’ experience to get hired at a university.

      So traveling for a year with my honey and two dogs in a 40-foot RV seemed like the perfect opportunity to learn as much as possible about using social media to grow a business and increase social capital.

      I knew, if I was ever going to make my business work, accomplish my goals, and be profitable, I’d have to learn how to Manage Oneself” as Peter Drucker says.

I can still hear the hesitation in my mother’s voice when I told her I was starting a Digital Marketing Business Side-Gig. Having [diagnosed] ADHD, my tendency for distraction, unintended disorganization, and lack of time awareness concerned her. But she knew if this was something I truly wanted, then I would find a way to make it happen…like I did growing up many times before.

Once the word about the quality of my work started getting around, my business started growing. Women were trusting me to help them grow ‘their businesses.’ These women had families, and bills, and their own obligations; ones that are dependent on building an audience, connecting with the correct client, solving the correct problem, and conveying their message in a way that resonates and ultimately generates revenue.

Business was great, but I was tired of living by the Golden Rule of Business… give the market what it’s asking for. I was unfulfilled in my life and tired of dealing with everything that comes from not being true to yourself.

TRUTH: I was giving the market what it wanted, but not myself.

You see I have a learning fetish. My dream job is professional student, and as any great student knows, learn from those who’ve succeeded before you. My mentor told me time and time again work from your passion! What I know is, a career as a professional student isn’t realistic. However, teaching and training are. And that’s how my path to becoming the first Neuroscience for Entrepreneurship Educator started.




A Little About Me

Did we just become best friends?

I love working with women who desire to be better in life and business. It's been great sharing with you my wins, lessons and the in between, but I'd love to get to know more about you & how I can help you achieve each & every dream you desire to bring to reality.